Electronic Ledger
jLedger_II was developed for small organizations or groups to maintain a ledger of revenues and expenses with reporting provisions. It was designed to provide a simple user interface to enter transactions in an easy to view display format. Form and function was kept to a minimum to enhance the usability.
To maintain an organized structure the Main Page (opening page of the application) provides a user entry for a descriptive ledger title. The title selected must be alphanumeric and can not contain any capital letters. It must also begin with and end with a lower case letter. (This restriction is a function of file naming rules required by ".Net Maui" coding guidelines.) The title selected will serve as the directory name under which the transaction database will be maintained. After entering the title the user selects the NEW button which will create the transaction database. The number of ledgers created is only inhibited by the supporting memory of the device where the application runs. Whenever the user opens the application they will have the option to select the DIRECTORY button which will populate and display a list of all ledgers created.
When the user either creates a new title or selects a previously entered title from the directory list, the title name will appear on the entry line along with an icon providing the option for the user to delete the directory selected. If selected the user will be prompted with a dialog asking if the selection to DELETE was intentional. Selecting YES will delete the directory and its database file.
Whenever a new directory is added or an existing directory is selected, the pathway to that directory folder will be displayed below the directory list. Within this directory folder the user will find the transaction
database file. Note that the file name will be the same for any ledger that is created ("records.sqlite"). This pathway is provided with the recommendation that the user regularly backup and archive the database.
Note that the user can also view data in the "records" file using the DB Browser (SQLite) which can be downloaded at: DB Browser for SQLite (sqlitebrowser.org)
Using the Browser affords the user with the opportunity to correct, add, and delete data outside of the application.
The menu of available functions are provided on the menu page by selecting the hamburger icon in the top left corner of the applications Main Page. The user can choose from entering transactions on the Transaction Page, searching for and profiling transactions on the Search Page, or displaying a list of assets, liabilities or both on the Assets/Liability Page.
Transition to these pages can be made by selecting the appropriate menu item. The user can also transition back to the Main Page by selecting the "arrow" which will be visible only when selecting the menu from another page.
Note that the back "arrow" works in the order of transitioning back to the page last selected.
Functionality and data available on each page will associate with the directory selected on the Main Page. The directory name will be displayed on each page to identify the currrent ledger selected.
The Transaction Page currently allows for three basic types of transactions to be entered; deductions, deposits and deductions by check. To enter a transaction the user must select a type, date, name, category and amount. Leaving any of these fields empty will cause a prompt to
be displayed requiring the correction to make the entry valid. Once the transaction data is complete selecting SAVE will enter the data into the database and display the entry information in the list in the bottom half of the page.
Name, category and sub-category entries are all supported with an autosuggestion list. These lists are generated when first transitioning to the page and consist of those names entered in previous transaction entries. If the item is not in the current list it will be entered once the transaction is complete. The application provides a preliminary list for category selection which can be added to by user transaction entry. Note that due to the deficiency of .Net Maui not including the AutoSuggestionBox control, and not selecting the option to add a third party extension, the developers at jbhSolutionsLM incorporated a pseudo AutoSuggestionBox. The pseudo control will display the
below the entry field and will disappear after a selection is made.
Transactions displayed in the list are shown in a date dependent descending order. Selecting an entry in the list will re-populate the fields with the data entered to allow the user to update and/or delete the entry. If the balance goes negative it will be displayed in red numbers enclosed by parenthesis.
The Search Page provides the function to search for any or all transactions associated with a particular date, transaction type, name, category or sub-category. If no transaction exists for the search item selected or entered, an alert will be displayed to the user.
All transactions meeting the criteria of the search will be displayed in descending order along with the total value of those transactions. The search criteria can be cleared with the CLEAR button to allow another search. The list does not curremtly clear with the clear button but does with a new search; to be corredted in the next revision.
The Asset - Liability Page allows the user to select to display assets and liabilities by category for each quarter or year-to-date (YTD). The asset/;iability totals will display when the appropriate period button is clicked. Entry of the year of transaction is required; an alert message will appear if the entry is illegal or out of bounds (2000 to current year).
The user can generate a PDF report for the period selected by clicking on the GENERATE REPORT button. The file generated will reside within the ledger directory. The report generated can be displayed on the page by clicking on the DISPLAY REPORT button.